

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

My Opinion on the Opinions of Covid.

I can honestly say I could care less about what any of you think about COVID. We're all going to die sometime. I feel like I'm at a dinner table with two people arguing over Bullshit Opinions that won't change either one's opinion. We all believe what we want to believe in period. Can you please pass the GRAVY and MIC DROP.

Do what you think is best for you and stop worrying about everyone else. You are either going to live or die regardless.

Wasting your time fighting ignorance on your opinion is so pointless regardless what side you are on. It's been the problem of human nature since the beginning

I'd hate to be on my death bed knowing I wasted my time arguing with someone about flat earth, Science, Jesus, or any other idea that is all based on belief. I know where I stand and also why I avoid most of this stuff like Facebook and some of you in person. When I worked at a funeral home and spoke with people dying they all just wanted more time to spend with their loved ones. Life's too short to fight battles that will never be won out of opinion based arguments.


Seriously who's better the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Biggie or Tupac? Picasso or Dali? Red or Blue? Hamburgers or Tacos? Black Flag or the Misfits?


Stephen King said it best in Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption - "Get busy living or get busy dying..."


It's all just noise you are all creating.

If you have children spend more time raising them. If you are an artist spend more time creating. If you are in the medical profession spend more time in your occupation of practicing medicine. If you have no hobbies find one. Then again this is just my opinion on how irrational it all reads and sounds.

Now I know why I checked out of Facebook for so long. Probably last day again for awhile before I log back in. Enjoy leaving your opinion below. By the time I read it, technically this probably won't matter. Well, at least I hope so. As it still seems way to with everyone on their soap box thinking they are so right about how others should live what is truly already a short life.

I hope you enjoy your Sunday and life you while you have it. Technically this just my opinion and it probably stinks as I'm an asshole too...

Sincerely Me